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The Lyndhurst Surgery

53 Lyndhurst Drive
Leyton, London,
E10 6JB
Tel No: 020 8539 1663

GDPR & Information Sharing

The Lyndhurst Surgery has taken measures to comply with the New General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) which has come into effect on the 25th May 2018.
Please see below Privacy Notices:


The Lyndhurst Surgery Privacy Notice

Fair Processing and GDPR

Summary Care Records (SCR)

Your Summary Care Record is a short summary of your GP medical records. It tells other health and care staff who care for you about the medicines you take and your allergies.
This will enable health and care professionals to have better medical information about you when they are treating you at the point of care. This change will apply for the duration of the coronavirus pandemic only. Unless alternative arrangements have been put in place before the end of the emergency period, this change will be reversed.

All patients registered with a GP have a Summary Care Record, unless they have chosen not to have one. The information held in your Summary Care Record gives health and care professionals, away from your usual GP practice, access to information to provide you with safer care, reduce the risk of prescribing errors and improve your patient experience.

Your Summary Care Record contains basic information about allergies and medications and any reactions that you have had to medication in the past.

Some patients, including many with long term health conditions, have previously agreed to have Additional Information shared as part of their Summary Care Record. This Additional Information includes information about significant medical history (past and present), reasons for medications, care plan information and immunisations.

During the coronavirus pandemic period, your Summary Care Record will automatically have Additional Information included from your GP record unless you have previously told the NHS that you did not want this information to be shared.

There will also be a temporary change to include COVID-19 specific codes in relation to suspected, confirmed, Shielded Patient List and other COVID-19 related information within the Additional Information.

By including this Additional Information in your SCR, health and care staff can give you better care if you need health care away from your usual GP practice:

  • in an emergency
  • when you’re on holiday
  • when your surgery is closed
  • at out-patient clinics
  • when you visit a pharmacy

Opting out

The purpose of SCR is to improve the care that you receive, however, if you don’t want to have an SCR you have the option to opt out. If this is your preference please inform your GP or fill in an SCR opt-out form and return it to your GP practice.
For here for more information